A Sense of Us

It’s like I have a new lease on life. I say a lease because you can never tell how long this effect will last. Lease of all, I love it when it’s here and I’m here with it. The experience of that moment is all that matters. Don’t let anyone tell you different. We’re all... Continue Reading →

Reality vs Some Version of the Truth

I was thinking last night and this morning about how hard it is to understand reality and all the versions of reality we see and don’t see. I believe we make our own reality based upon our frame of reference and our perspectives, deciphering the meaning.  Successful communication, even with ourselves, trying to understand our... Continue Reading →

Rites of Passage

Our experiences being handed up to rising stars, our youth, progeny, future. Media of all types and norms, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, visions of the future recreated from past. Inspiring and witnessing greatness and passion

Never Spent

Colors fading, roe depleted Vibrant purpose Still within Another life Another season Regenerate a generation From without and then again From within Progeny bolting forward Not one but all Around again Know from what they came A scale from one to ten It only counts if you're counting From without and then again From within

My Heart is Wide Open

Yes, I’m on everyone’s wrong side for the first time in my life. Reminds me of the John Lennon song, “Oh My Love” with perhaps the same sentiment, I’m not sure. It’s such an unusual space for me, being a natural truth and justice seeker, peacemaker, but the path seems clear for the first time... Continue Reading →

A New Day

This is a weird space, the place I find myself in now. Everything has changed. It feels empty. Empty isn’t bad, it’s just different. I will need to gain balance and perspective of my new life. This is the first time I’ve felt a void and it’s an opportunity to do what I want to... Continue Reading →


Here is that. Certainly, an ownership term. Here – never – there – but here. It is my job to be here. I have chosen this. I want to be here. I am here. My energy is here. My soul is here. I won’t leave here. I make here for me, and you. You feel... Continue Reading →

Christmas Clarity

Clarity hit instantaneously. Sitting at the shining glass breakfast room table, staring at the horoscope beaming from my iPad, pre-dawn light peeking through the French windows, I realize I have plenty. It might have actually presented itself yesterday. I felt vibrant and brilliant at the family Christmas celebration it might have been the precursor to... Continue Reading →

I Choose Me and You Choose You

  It was the summer of 2012 that I was curious about Soul Work and began reading Dr. Michael Newton’s books “Journey of Souls” and “Destiny of Souls” and then many books by Dr. Brian Weiss about past life regression and healing our current ills.  Both authors described Life Between Lives experiences they learned in... Continue Reading →

Anniversary Gifts

He said, “You know it’s all contrived, it’s acting, its not real.” We were watching the best of "Britain's Got Talent" where the performers are talented and spiritual, letting themselves loose to go beyond the norm. I felt joyful watching their limitless talents spring forth, so I knew it was real. It’s how I want... Continue Reading →

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